Emelie Nilefrost - Nilefrost Create

My reasons are named Ebba and Clara

I’m Emelie Nilefrost - mom and computer engineer turned full-time creative based in Gothenburg, Sweden. My creative journey started in 2020, when I was feeling overwhelmed with stress. I started to draw on my iPad - hoping that it would help me to relax and it took me to a new world! 

In 2022, I decided to change my path in life for more freedom (and creativity)! Most of all, I want to be able to show my girls Ebba and Clara that YOU CAN find your true way forward. It’s never too late to change your life and reach your dreams!

My creations are playful and full of color. I wish that my work can make children and their families feel warm and included, curious and realize that anything is possible :) You can find my work in children’s books, as fabric, wallpaper and home decor. I also teach others everything I know about creative life.

I hope that my story can inspire you to live your dream life!

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